Monday, August 31, 2009

Today in Movement #1

Actually, not exactly today, but Thursday. On Thursday, Anthony, my Movement instructor, told the class that we needed to start some sort of journal for each day we attend his class, and since I definitely need to keep up some more, I thought this is a good way to do it. :) So, "Today in Movement" is going to be a recurring thing until December when the class is over.

Today in Movement #1: Today we stood up in front of the class completely still for three and a half minutes. It wasn't that big of a deal. I had summer band for six years where Mr. Barton made us do band commands for half an hour, and ten minutes of it was just standing still, not getting distracted by whatever he did. There are a couple of things that I didn't like, though, like the fact that we were wearing all black clothing. For summer band, we wore whatever we wanted. Anthony likes to keep things neutral, so he asks for black clothes for his class. I had the misfortune of wearing a really tight black v-neck that revealed everything and I was not comfortable with that. The second thing that I didn't like was the fact that everyone was staring at me. I was standing in front of the class with two other people, of course, but everyone else in the class was sitting down, watching us just stand there, basically raping us with their eyes. I felt like a specimen in a box being experimented on and they were just waiting for the results. I tried my hardest to block them out, and I succeeded to the point where I just noticed them as a large black and white blob at the bottom of my viewing area, but I could still feel their stares looking at my exposed body through my shirt and whatever else I was wearing. And I couldn't do anything about it, and that's the part that sucked the most.

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