Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today In Movement #3 & 4

Today in Movement #3: I hardly remember what we did in movement on Thursday. I guess that's what you get for not writing about it the day it happened, right? I think it had to do with... telling a story in certain planes. We stood in front of the mirror wall and tried to tell a story with just our body, no words. At first it was easy because we used all of our planes (vertical, horizontal, and sagittal) but once we were limited to just one plane, it got difficult. I guess it was hard for me because I'm such a versatile person and I like to adapt to everything and anything to make me and others comfortable. Other than this... I seriously cannot remember anything else.

Today in Movement #4: I remember this one because it was today!! We learned about different terms such as weight, speed, and time, and how they are integrated in movement in acting. We also learned of all the different angles in our box. That part wasn't new to me. I learned all 27 points of space during my time with Urban Expressions winterguard. In class, we also moved towards all these points using our bodies, making a "more 3-D version" of us. During UEX, we used flags to do this, and I found that using bodies is much harder than flags... but I'd rather use flags. :P

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